Beat the Summer Heat: At What Temperature Should You Set Your Central Air Conditioning? | Recommended Thermostat Settings

Summer is a time of fun, laughter, swimming, barbecues, you name it. It is also a time for extreme heat in some places. How do you keep cool during those summer heat waves? While outside, you can always jump in the pool to cool off, but when you are inside, this is when your central air conditioning becomes your best friend! The key however is to know how to utilize your AC in order to maximize the indoor temperature while maintaining the utmost efficiency as far as your HVAC system goes.

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Preparing Your Furnace for the Fall and Winter: The Importance of Central Heating Maintenance

It’s just about that time of year again, when heaters and furnaces are about to be put to the test. Especially during those colder evenings, you want to be sure your HVAC system can handle the task at hand: keeping your home warm and comfortable. This is when furnace maintenance really does come into play. Do you require a furnace tune-up? Have your filters been changed lately? How about your thermostat, should that be upgraded? In this article, we will examine several key things you can do right now in order to prepare your central heating system for the upcoming fall and winter seasons.

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Preparing Your Air Conditioner for Spring/Summer: A Quick Maintenance Guide

Now that the warmer days are starting to roll in, homeowners are thinking less about their furnaces and more about the preparedness of their AC units. Is it ready to go? Does it require an AC tune-up? What type of air conditioner maintenance may be needed once the winter winds subside and the sun makes it presence known?

Understanding how to approach Spring/Summer HVAC maintenance can mean the difference between a unit that runs effectively and one that ultimately gives you issues throughout the bulk of the hotter season. Below, we’ve put together a brief guide as to the best ways that you yourself can help prepare your AC system for the upcoming months and also ways in which you can best maximize the services of an AC technician to get your air conditioner where it needs to be. Read more